Birthmark removal on the face: My experience!

Birthmark removal face experience

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Are you due to visit the dermatologist because you need to remove a mole? I had to go through it too - and it was half as bad. You can find out everything you need to know about facial mole removal here!

Do you also have this one Birthmark on the facethat has been with you forever disturbs? I know that only too well.

In the last few weeks, I finally took the plunge and had my mole on the inside of my eyebrow removed.😬

The decision made me took a lot of couragebut now I'm so glad I had it done. I'll tell you how the procedure went, which method my doctor chose and how I felt afterwards.

If you are also considering having the blemish removed, you will find everything you need to know here - this is mine Birthmark removal on the face experience!

Why I decided to remove my birthmark

Do you know this? You look in the mirror and your gaze lingers on a small blemish. In my case, it's an inconspicuous mole on the inside of my eyebrow. Small, yes, but somehow always there.

For years me ignored it until my Parents have started to keep me focused on to point outhow big it is now.

"Should I just have it lasered away?" I ask myself more and more often. The Fear of the treatment is big - syringes, scalpels, sutures... I'm really not a fan of that.😓

But the comments about my birthmark are getting on my nerves. So I put my money where my mouth is and make an appointment. Appointment with a dermatologist.

You can find out what awaits me there in this blog post! Spoiler alert: it wasn't as bad as I thought!

Birthmark removal face experience
Here you can see the birthmark in question.

Why do moles need to be removed?

Moles sometimes have to be removed because they Health risks can salvage.

Removal is particularly important if a mole shows changes such as itching, pain, changes in color or shape, or if it begins to ooze or bleed.

These symptoms may indicate a malignant change and should be examined by a dermatologist.☝🏼

Many people also decide to have moles removed for aesthetic reasons, especially if they are located in prominent areas of the face and affect self-confidence.

How do I know if a birthmark should be removed?

To recognize whether a birthmark should be removed, you can use the ABCDE rule for self-examination.

  • A stands for AsymmetryA birthmark should be uniformly round or oval.
  • B stands for LimitationThe edges should be clear and not irregular.
  • C stands for ColorA birthmark should have a uniform color, not several shades.
  • D stands for Diameter: Moles larger than 6 mm should be observed 📏.
  • E stands for Sublimity: Pay attention to whether the birthmark rises above the skin or is

changed. If you notice any of these changes, it is advisable to see a dermatologist to have the mole examined and, if necessary, removed.

What methods of birthmark removal are there?

If you want to have one (or more) moles removed, there are a few methods you (or rather your dermatologist) can choose from.

It is important to know that Not every method is suitable for every birthmark is. But your dermatologist will explain this to you.

Laser therapy

Laser therapy is a modern method of removing moles that is particularly popular for cosmetic procedures.

The advantages of this method are Minimal scarring and the precision of the laser, which gently removes the skin layer by layer.

In addition, the treatment is usually low pain and only requires local anesthesia. The treatment usually takes Only a few minutes. After removal, there may be slight redness or swelling, but this usually heals quickly.

The disadvantages are that not all birthmarks are suitable for this method, especially those suspected of being malignant.

Careful aftercare and avoiding direct sunlight are important to ensure good healing.

Surgical removal (excision)

Surgical removal or excision is a traditional methodwhich are frequently suspicious or malignant moles is applied.

The advantages of this method are the possibility of having the removed tissue examined histologically to ensure that no malignant cells are present.

The doctor can also ensure that the entire mole has been removed. Disadvantages are the Scarring, which is more common with this method, and the need for stitches that have to be removed later.☝🏼

The doctor then cuts out the birthmark with a scalpel and stitches the wound together. The procedure usually takes less than half an hour.

After the operation, it is important to keep the wound clean and dry to avoid infection. The stitches are removed after about a week.

Punch biopsy

The punch biopsy is a Minimally invasive method for the removal of smaller moles. The advantages of this method are Minimal scarring and the short recovery time.

Since only a small area of skin is removed, tissue damage is kept to a minimum. Disadvantages are that this method Not for larger or deeper moles and that sometimes additional treatment may be necessary if the entire mole has not been removed.

After local anesthesia of the affected skin area, a sspecial punching tool used to remove the birthmark.

The wound is then treated with one or two stitches closed or covered with a plaster. The Intervention lasts only few minutes.🩹

After treatment, the wound should be kept clean and dry for several days.

Considerations before treatment

One thing was clear to me from the start: I would go to the dermatologist that my whole family already trusts.

When it comes to this topic, I'm a real Anxiety patient. Already with my Tonsillectomy I had my pants full.😅

So if I want to dare to remove the birthmark, it has to be a doctor I can trust. safe am that he is good and I him can trust.

My whole family (grandma, parents, brother, aunts and cousin) all go to the same dermatologist and have always praised him.

That's exactly why I call them and have (whether it's good or not is written in the stars) an appointment for in 2 weeks get - so far so good.

My mom wants to accompany me to the appointment because she's sure that I'll pull out at the last second... she's probably right about that.😬

So now I have 2 weeks to think about what the treatment will be like. Can you Lasering? Is my birthmark on my face too big and I need a seam?

Removing birthmarks on the face: My experience

Two weeks go by in a flash when you not wants. That's why the day of my check-up at the dermatologist arrives sooner than I would have liked.

I keep telling myself "It's just a preliminary examination"... I'll be proven wrong - more on that in a moment.😉

Preliminary examination and consultation

My pulse is already beating strongly in my throat when my dermatologist calls me in for an examination.

At Examination room It looks the same as in other doctors' offices - chairs, a desk, a couch.

Brand new: a stool that you have to stand on so that the doctor can look at your feet without any problems. My dermatologist asks me why I'm here. I explain to him that I want to examine my moles to find out whether they should be removed and if so, which ones.🔍

My doctor asks me to take my Take off your clothes. I have nothing on except my underpants.

He takes a close look at my moles and casually explains to me which ones I should look out for, provided they are get bigger or to "color".

Good for me: none of my moles are currently a problem. He then explains to me that it would be important - given the number of moles I have annually for an inspection to come.

I should pay particular attention to a mark on my thigh as it is very dark. According to him, he would have to remove it if it got bigger.

I could actually end my report here ... if it weren't for my mom in the waiting room, who (more or less) insists on having the Birthmark on my eyebrow to remove.

So when my doctor asks me if there is currently a mole that I "want" to remove, I point to the one on my eyebrow.

I'm expecting a follow-up appointment and am glad that I'm allowed to go... but thought wrong: "Then we'll take it out quickly now."😳

My jaw drops. Remove it now? Now? I'm sure my face is the color of a wall - all white.

A thousand questions pop into my head. But only one is really important to me: "Is this with or without seam?“

My dermatologist tells me that due to the size of my mole, he can easily do it without stitches. laser away can. The only thing that remains is a small scabies for a few days.

The distance

Before I go into the treatment room, I fetch my mom - after all, I'm somehow responsible for her. her here. I would expect emotional support.

There's a couch in the middle of the treatment room where I'm supposed to lie down. Now it's getting a bit spongy with fear.

I squeeze my eyes shut tightly - after all, I don't want to see my face being tampered with.

First of all, my birthmark and the Position all around disinfects. It stings a little when the product runs into my eye, but it's not too bad.

Then my dermatologist (who talks to me very nicely and a lot to make me feel better) tells me that I should please keep quiet for a moment now, as I need the Anesthesia get.

Syringes. My final boss. I can already feel the needle as he "pushes" it in on the inside of my eyebrows.

It already did really hurt. How people voluntarily inject Botox is even more of a mystery to me now than it was before.

The doctor injected the anesthetic very slowly. I can feel the liquid above my eyelid - it's disgusting. To calm myself down, I hum a little.

When the anesthetic was finished, I can hear the dermatologist preparing to remove it. There is a look for me not. But I ask my mom to tell me something.

My eyes are closed. The dermatologist pinches me briefly in the Birthmark and asks if I feel anything - I don't. Then it starts.

I didn't see what he used to remove the birthmark, but I heard it. It was always a short hiss for 1-2 seconds. You can imagine it like the buzzing of a fly.😅

I don't have any pain - in fact, I don't feel anything at all. After maximum 10 minutes (and that's really high), it's all over.

The couch is soaked with my fearful sweat ... but it wasn't actually that bad and I'm allowed to leave.

Aftercare and healing

Due to the fact that my birthmark on my face is without stitches, but with Laser has been removed, the Aftercare made easy.

According to my family doctor, the only important thing is to Keeping the wound cleannot to apply make-up over it and (as soon as it forms) not to scratch the scabies - that's it.😊

The Healing should be like a Abrasion and not leave a scar. I couldn't really wish for more. So the whole thing is actually already done.

The first 2-4h after the removal the place did a little sore. But by the evening of the same day, I no longer felt anything.

Over the next few days I will apply a little Bepanten to the wound so that it heals better and that's it.☝🏼

Birthmark removal face experience
This is what the wound looked like the same evening it was removed.

Result and healing process

1.5 weeks have now passed. My wound heals very well. Only a small area is still covered with scabs - but this will certainly come off in the next few days.

I'm still making sure that Face wash not aggressive rubbing the area with a towel. Apart from that, I don't do anything to shorten the healing process (whether that's even possible is questionable anyway).

I also think that no scar will remain. The wound has never oozed or anything like that - it has always been flawless!

But it has to be said that I No makeup so that no dirt or similar could get into the wound 😋.

This is what my former birthmark currently looks like:

Birthmark removal face experience wound healing
After 1.5 weeks there is only a tiny bit of scabies left!

My conclusion

My Birthmark removal on the face experience was only half as bad in the end. The only thing I found bad was my own fear of it.

I have no pain and have no complaints about the healing process. After less than 10 minutes I was ready and could walk again.

Now I know that the whole thing is no reason to cry and will yearly aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall my moles checked!🤓

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