8 amazing reasons why going barefoot is so healthy

Walking barefoot healthy

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Put away your shoes! Barefoot walking is in now. That's why going barefoot is healthy and why you should do it much more often!

Everyone wears shoes and socks. Actually around the clock. Sometimes it's elegant, sturdy, warm and sometimes airy footwear. But by wearing shoes, our feet are often spoiled, or worse: constricted.

Therefore, give your feet a break and run barefoot.

When was the last time you felt the daisies between your toes or the grass under your feet?

Whether on a meadow or a soft forest floor - there is nothing better for our feet than to walk barefoot. But unfortunately we do this far too rarely. Our feet are almost always in shoes. But they are not made for that at all.

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What barefoot shoes really bring

Those who like to run barefoot reach their limits in cities and stony terrain. For this reason, special barefoot shoes were developed a few years ago.

Whether you're roaming the woods, fields and meadows or strolling through the park, barefoot socks wrap around your feet like a protective shell and allow you to feel authentically barefoot.

Especially for very sensitive feet, barefoot shoes are a good alternative.

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8 good reasons why going barefoot is healthy

In the last 30 years we have moved far away from nature. Walking barefoot is disgusting, it makes your feet dirty and wet. But it feels so good to walk across a wet meadow or moss.

The skin can take a breath and you can devote yourself completely to the moment.

If you suffer from foot odor, this is often a sign that you are overly acidic. The body uses the skin as an excretory organ when it cannot break down the excess acids in other ways. What can help you is to drink a lot of water and thus eliminate the acids through urine.

Walking barefoot is healthy because you let your over-acidified feet come in contact with air for a change. But let's look at this in detail now.

So: Away with socks and shoes. Now it's time to go bottomless!

1. strengthens the foot muscles

Barefoot running not only means giving the foot more free space, but also building up the foot muscles. Wearing shoes means that many muscles in the foot are not used and regress.

Walking, running or jumping without shoes, on the other hand, strengthens the feet. In fact, much more muscles, tendons and ligaments are used.

This not only promotes leg health, but also gives the back more support.

2. foot malpositions are corrected

Shoes that are too tight compress the foot and can lead to deformities. Therefore, it is advisable to walk barefoot more often. Walking with bare feet can reduce or even eliminate muscular deformities.

When running barefoot, your foot must constantly adapt to the unevenness of the ground. This trains the foot muscles.

Walking barefoot is healthy

3. why walking barefoot is healthy: it strengthens the immune system

You get sick from wet and cold feet. Nonsense! The opposite is true. If you regularly go outside without shoes and walk through wet meadows or cold stone floors, you strengthen your immune system. The only important thing is that you keep moving.

Once inside, however, you should dry your feet right away and give them some warmth.

4. improves balance and coordination

Why walking barefoot is healthy? Because it provides better balance and coordination.

There are a lot of receptors on our foot. The coordination ability develops through the fact that the foot gets to feel new surfaces again and again when walking barefoot.

So the body is challenged to adapt to it.

The receptors tell you how the ground feels. Whether it is cold, warm, stony, soft or uneven.

If you walk barefoot frequently as a child, you train your coordination skills. So you can move well, are stable and have good balance.

5. prevents foot and nail fungus

You don't have to be afraid of catching a foot or nail fungus when you run barefoot. By walking barefoot, you can even protect yourself from it.

The warm, moist environment of shoes is a perfect breeding ground for infections. Especially people who regularly wear sports shoes are often affected.

Regular barefoot walking even improves blood circulation to the feet and good circulation protects against fungal infections.

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6. improves running performance and technique

Barefoot running also has some advantages. For one, you have a shorter stride length and a higher stride frequency than when running with shoes.

The short ground contact time ensures a fast and effective running style. So running with bare feet can also increase your performance.

In addition, you place your feet more gently when running barefoot. This reduces the impact forces and the stress on the foot, knee and hip joints.

Walking barefoot advantages

7. walking barefoot is healthy and provides an upright posture

Misalignments in the hips or back problems often originate in the feet. If your feet are not strong enough or have different muscular development, this can lead to imbalances.

This then leads to discomfort in the hips, knees or back. Walking barefoot strengthens your feet and helps prevent or compensate for imbalances.

8. the feet become less sensitive

Walking barefoot on different surfaces acts as a natural form of foot massage. It hardens the feet because the fat layer under the epidermis is strengthened.

Small stones or edges are perceived by the feet, but they are no longer perceived as pain.

It is not quite true that barefoot walking causes more calluses. Calluses are formed by friction and moisture and you rarely have that when walking barefoot.

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How you can go barefoot in everyday life

That all sounds great at first. But how can it be implemented in everyday life? Actually, it's much easier than you think. There are many ways to walk barefoot.

Walking barefoot in the apartment is healthy

Take off your slippers and socks as often as possible and walk barefoot in your home. This will stimulate the entire foot sensory system and stress regressed muscles, tendons and ligaments.

You're also making sure your skin can breathe.

Walking outside without shoes

You should also take your shoes off when you're out in the park or walking in the woods. You train your foot muscles best on uneven surfaces such as grass, sand and stones.

If you have a garden, you can walk on the wet grass early in the morning. This is incredibly good, especially on warm summer days.

No more cold feet! This is how it goes

Take off your shoes at work

Especially at work, we are often stuck in our shoes for a particularly long time. If you have the opportunity, you should also walk around here for a few hours with bare feet. Move your lunch break to the park and walk around barefoot after lunch.

This stimulates blood circulation and prevents fatigue.

Walking barefoot and doing sports is healthy

Some sports such as jogging, dancing, badminton, volleyball, cycling or even training in the gym can be done barefoot. However, start slowly, because your muscles are intensively challenged and must first get used to the load.

So simple can remove calluses yourself

Barefoot walking tips

Our conclusion

It is through barefoot running that the body learns to coordinate and balance. So take off your shoes whenever you can and give your feet some freedom. They will thank you for it!

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